With over 40,000 remarkable people located in 120 countries, we bring global capabilities and local insights to each engagement.
Our mission is to research and fund innovative therapies,as well as treatment options, expert care, and information to families affected by this disease. We believe in the power of collaboration and communication and our goal is to establish a network of knowledge that will push research forward to find therapies for PBD patients.
PBD Project was first born on October 2017, even if we were unaware of it at the time. That is the day Diego was born. We counted 10 fingers, we checked his breath. Everything seemed to be in order.
PBD Project was then born in the summer of 2019, when we first heard “Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder” for the first time. Little did we know we would end up being armchair experts on PBDs and PEX10.
PBD Project is also born today and tomorrow, and every time it reaches a new parent, new medical expert and a new research milestone.
By bringing together exceptional talent from around the world, we will find a more efficient approach that will eventually lead to scientific advancements and ultimately a cure.
We as parents, will do anything to provide Diego, and patients like him, with the opportunity to a life they deserve.
In fact, we’re one of the very few consulting firms who can confidently offer you the full package of business services, making us stand head.
Our comprehensive coverage of business issues means no hassle finding multiple providers simply to keep your books in order. And coupled with our practice is our transparent pricing. Here are the reasons why you should choose us
We take a consistent approach to recruiting and skills development regardless of where our people are located, so that we can quickly deliver the right team
It is 1 disease, but it has a spectrum of severity.
Until recently, PBD-ZSD was viewed as 3 separate diseases, but we now know it is a set of disorders that form a spectrum, or continuum, of 1 disease. This spectrum can range from mild (infantile Refsum disease, or IRD), to moderate (neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, or NALD), to severe (Zellweger syndrome, or ZS).
It is 1 disease, but it has a spectrum of severity.
Until recently, PBD-ZSD was viewed as 3 separate diseases, but we now know it is a set of disorders that form a spectrum, or continuum, of 1 disease. This spectrum can range from mild (infantile Refsum disease, or IRD), to moderate (neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, or NALD), to severe (Zellweger syndrome, or ZS).
It is 1 disease, but it has a spectrum of severity.
Until recently, PBD-ZSD was viewed as 3 separate diseases, but we now know it is a set of disorders that form a spectrum, or continuum, of 1 disease. This spectrum can range from mild (infantile Refsum disease, or IRD), to moderate (neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, or NALD), to severe (Zellweger syndrome, or ZS).
For over 35 years we have been generating excellent results and turning business visions and dreams into reality.
We have all the services to help your business. See all services
We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future, not hide from it. Together, we achieve extraordinary outcomes.
We would love to share a similar experience and how I learned some valuable lessons during a downturn.
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In eget vulputate diam leo leo, vulputate nec. Semper varius purus nisi varius mauris erat. Aliquet nulla at id auctor tincidunt rutrum sagittis. Eget nec elementum lectus praesent scelerisque dolor fermentum.
In eget vulputate diam leo leo, vulputate nec. Semper varius purus nisi varius mauris erat. Aliquet nulla at id auctor tincidunt rutrum sagittis. Eget nec elementum lectus praesent scelerisque dolor fermentum.
In eget vulputate diam leo leo, vulputate nec. Semper varius purus nisi varius mauris erat. Aliquet nulla at id auctor tincidunt rutrum sagittis. Eget nec elementum lectus praesent scelerisque dolor fermentum.