Los tratamientos para los trastornos de la biogénesis de los peroxisomas son solo el comienzo.


El trabajo que está realizando PBD Project va a ayudar a millones de personas.


Nuestra misión es investigar y financiar terapias innovadoras, así como opciones de tratamiento, atención de expertos e información para las familias afectadas por esta enfermedad. Creemos en el poder de la colaboración y la comunicación, nuestro objetivo es establecer una red de conocimiento que impulse la investigación para encontrar terapias para los pacientes con PBD ZSD-PBD.

PBD Project ha tenido múltiples orígenes.

PBD Project nació por primera vez en octubre de 2017, aunque no lo sabíamos en ese momento.  El día que nació Diego contamos 10 dedos en sus manos, 10 dedos en sus pies, comprobamos su respiración. Todo parecía estar en orden. PBD Project  surgió después en el verano de 2019 cuando por primera vez escuchamos las palabras “Sindrome de Zellweger”. Poco sabíamos que terminaríamos siendo expertos en PBD-ZSD y PEX10 PBD Project también nace hoy y mañana, y cada vez llega un nuevo paciente, un nuevo experto médico y un nuevo hito en la investigación. Al reunir talentos excepcionales de todo el mundo, encontraremos un enfoque más eficiente que eventualmente conducirá a avances científicos y, en última instancia, a una cura. Nosotros, como padres, haremos todo lo posible para brindarle a Diego, y a pacientes como él, la oportunidad de tener la vida que se merecen.

Junta de Cientificos Consejeros

Hemos reunido un equipo de expertos en ciencia y medicina de todo el mundo para trabajar juntos, reducir las barreras a los descubrimientos de investigación y acelerar el progreso de un posible tratamiento para pacientes con PBD. Si está interesado en unirse a nuestro equipo, envíenos un correo electrónico a research@pbdproject.org research@pbdproject.org

Scientific Collaborators

Please email research@pbdproject.org if you are interested to participate!

Omid Karkouti

Co-Founder of Rarebase, which is developing a drug discovery platform for CNS genetic diseases.

Dr. Einat Zalckvar

Characterization of PEX10 mutations on a broad collection of peroxisomal proteins, using S. cerevisiae models.

Dr. Natalia Morsci

Sundry PEX10 program efforts, including R&D strategy, drug repurposing screens, and assay development.

Dr. Ethan Perlstein

Founder of Perlara, which is advising on PEX10 R&D strategy, drug repurposing screens, and assay development.

Dr. Peiqiang Feng

Analysis of the function and mutation of Pex10 in S. cerevisiae and in vitro biochemical reconstitution.

Dr. Sven Thoms

Expression analysis of PEX10 in fibroblasts and iPSCs, functional screening to determine protein-protein interactions of PEX10 in cell lines, super-resolution microscopy to better understand peroxisome substructure in PEX10 cell lines, and sundry other initiatives.

Dr. Ho Yi Mak

Characterization of PEX10 knock-in C. elegans models that mimic point mutations of PEX10 patients, using transgenic worms that report the morphology and function of peroxisomes and additional organelles with sundry approaches for model phenotyping.

Dr. Tom Rapoport

Analysis of the function and mutation of Pex10 in S. cerevisiae and in vitro biochemical reconstitution.

Dr. Johannes Berger

Characterization of potential therapies and their impact on peroxisome function.

Dr. Andy Golden

Creation of C. elegans models that mimic point mutations of PEX10 patients.

Dr. Jorge E. Azevedo

Impact of PEX10 mutations on PEX5 activity, including ubiquitination, by utilizing in vitro peroxisomal import/export system.

Dr. Andrew Simmonds

Characterization of PEX10 Drosophila models, including knock-in point mutations and knockout models.

Dr. Benjamin Readhead

Transcriptomic analysis of PEX10 data for drug discovery.

Dr. John Dueber

Characterization of PEX10 mutations on s. cerevisiae models and development of potential s. cerevisiae assays.

Dr. Francesca Di Cara

Characterization of potential therapies and their impact on peroxisome function of PEX10 cell lines.

Dr. Marc Fransen

Impact of PEX10 mutations on redox state and hydrogen peroxide levels, catalase function, cell sensitivity towards oxidative insults, and pexophagy.

Dr. Peter K. Kim

Characterize how PEX10 mutations influence PEX2 and PEX12 activity and stability using biochemical and cell imaging techniques.

Dr. Seong-Kyu Choe

Creation of PEX10 zebrafish knockout, model phenotyping, and assessment of compounds on model phenotype.

Onno Faber

Co-Founder of Rarebase, which is developing a drug discovery platform for CNS genetic diseases.

Dr. Aamir Zuberi

Development and characterization of PEX10 mouse models, including knock-in point mutations across different genetic backgrounds.

Dr. Gerald V. Raymond

PEX10 clinical phenotype, clinical considerations for potential therapies, and other PEX10 program efforts.

Dr. Hans Waterham

Functional studies and diagnostic evaluation of patient cells and DNA, including immunofluorescence, metabolic assays, metabolite analysis (VLCFAs), peroxisomal import/biogenesis, CRISPR-Cas9 studies, and clinical DNA testing.

Dr. Nancy Braverman

PEX10 clinical phenotype, clinical considerations for potential therapies, and other PEX10 program efforts.

Dr. Ida van der Klei

Characterization of PEX10 mutations using Hansenula polymorpha models.

Dr. Jamie Fraser

Natural history and clinical trials in leukodystrophies (including PBDs), translational research program in neurometabolic disorders, and genomics of leukodystrophies and genetic leukoencephalopathies.

Dr. Marcia Haigis

Molecular phenotyping of the PEX10-ZSD mutation through the use of large-scale metabolomics methodology, with the intent to better understand the impact of PEX10 mutations on the metabolome.

Dr. Richard A. Rachubinski

Characterization of potential therapies and their impact on peroxisome function of PEX10 cell lines.

Dr. Joseph G. Hacia

Sundry PEX10 program efforts, including the development and characterization of PEX10 mouse models, including knock-in point mutations and conditional knock-in models.

Dr. Suresh Subramani

Characterization of PEX10 and PEX2 mutations using Pichia Pastoris models.

Dr. Jean-Claude Farre

Characterization of PEX10 and PEX2 mutations using Pichia Pastoris models.

Dr. Ronald Wanders

Functional studies and diagnostic evaluation of patient cells and DNA, including immunofluorescence, metabolic assays, metabolite analysis (VLCFAs), peroxisomal import/biogenesis, CRISPR-Cas9 studies, and clinical DNA testing.

Dr. Femke Klouwer

Functional studies and diagnostic evaluation of patient cells and DNA, including immunofluorescence, metabolic assays, metabolite analysis (VLCFAs), peroxisomal import/biogenesis, CRISPR-Cas9 studies, and clinical DNA testing.

Dr. Kay Siu

Characterization of PEX10 mutations on s. cerevisiae models and development of potential s. cerevisiae assays.

Dr. Esther Nuebel

Peroxisomal and mitochondrial metabolism, including functional characterization of PEX10 patient cells using immunofluorescence and metabolic assays to characterize peroxisomal and mitochondrial import and biogenesis.

Dr. Daniela Ribeiro

Evaluation of the progression of viral infections and the antiviral immune response in PEX10 cell lines.

Dr. Triana Amen

Investigating the role of PEX10 in peroxisome biogenesis and neuronal development using CRISPR/Cas9 models in human cell lines.

Dr. Ruth Belostotsky

Drug development for rare disease, including high-throughput screening for drug repurposing using a split-GFP approach.

Dr. John Aitchison

Systems cell biology approaches to reveal kinase networks to understand peroxisome dynamics and correct Pex10 mutations.

Dr. Fred Mast

Systems cell biology approaches to reveal kinase networks to understand peroxisome dynamics and correct Pex10 mutations.

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